
Pets 101


Our pets are part of the family, too so why not bring them along? If you choose to bring them, I have some helpful tips & tricks get them to really sit pretty.

  1. RUN THEM OUT! Let them play and run for at least 30 minutes prior to our session together. The closer to our session the better. When they get cooped up for too long they might get a bit excited to meet a new human. Get those zoomies out!
  2. MOTIVATION. Does your pet have a special toy? Special treat? Bring them for me to use during our session.
  3. CONTAINMENT. If you don't wish to have them in all of the full family shots, please have someone else there to attend your pet or plan for them to be in the car for a brief amount of time. It's very hard to hold a leash with an excited pet and camera at the same time.
  4. LEASHES. Please bring their leashes. I know... some pets do better without them but I would hate for something bed to happen.
  5. DOO-DOO. If they poop, please pick it up- we might step in it. That doesn't usually make for very good photos.
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